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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - formal


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 I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~is, from forma  Date: 14th century  1.  a. belonging to or constituting the form or essence of a thing ~ cause  b. relating to or involving the outward form, structure, relationships, or arrangement of elements rather than content ~ logic a ~ style of painting a ~ approach to comparative linguistics  2.  a. following or according with established form, custom, or rule lacked ~ schooling a ~ dinner party ~ attire  b. done in due or lawful form a ~ contract received ~ recognition  3.  a. characterized by punctilious respect for form ; methodical very ~ in all his dealings  b. rigidly ceremonious ; prim  4. having the appearance without the substance ~ Christians who go to church only at Easter  Synonyms: see ceremonial  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 1605 something (as a dance or a dress) ~ in character  III. adjective  Etymology: formula + 1-al  Date: circa 1934 molar III FORMALDEHYDE  noun  Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary form- + aldehyde  Date: 1872 a colorless pungent irritating gas CH2O used chiefly in aqueous solution as a disinfectant and preservative and in chemical synthesis
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  adj. & n. --adj. 1 used or done or held in accordance with rules, convention, or ceremony (formal dress; a formal occasion). 2 ceremonial; required by convention (a formal call). 3 precise or symmetrical (a formal garden). 4 prim or stiff in manner. 5 perfunctory, having the form without the spirit. 6 valid or correctly so called because of its form; explicit and definite (a formal agreement). 7 in accordance with recognized forms or rules. 8 of or concerned with (outward) form or appearance, esp. as distinct from content or matter. 9 Logic concerned with the form and not the matter of reasoning. 10 Philos. of the essence of a thing; essential not material. --n. US 1 evening dress. 2 an occasion on which evening dress is worn. Derivatives formally adv. formalness n. Etymology: ME f. L formalis (as FORM) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  формальный correct formal system — корректная формальная система derivational formal system — деривативная формальная система formal log-exponential matrix — формальная логарифмически экспоненциальная матрица ring of formal power series — кольцо формальных степенных рядов - formal algorithm - formal analysis - formal approximation - formal arithmetic - formal axiomatics - formal branch - formal calculation - formal calculus - formal causality - formal characterization - formal class - formal commutator - formal complex - formal computation - formal condition - formal congruence - formal connective - formal consequence - formal consistency - formal construction - formal contradiction - formal corollary - formal criterion - formal decidability - formal deducibility - formal deduction - formal definition - formal demonstration - formal derivability - formal derivation - formal derivative - formal development - formal differentiation - formal equality - formal equivalence - formal error - formal expansion - formal expression - formal factorization - formal fallacy - formal grammar - formal group - formal homomorphism - formal ideal - formal identity - formal implication - formal impossibility - formal inconsistency - formal inference - formal integral - formal integration - formal invariant - formal kernel - formal language - formal logic - formal manifold - formal manipulation - formal mathematics - formal meaning - formal method - formal model - formal multiplication - formal neuron - formal object - formal operation - formal operator - formal parameter - formal polynomial - formal procedure - formal product - formal proof - formal property - formal reasoning - formal relation - formal renormalization - formal representation - formal rule - formal scheme - formal self-adjointness - formal semantics - formal semiinvariant - formal sentence - formal series - formal simplification - formal...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. официальный - formal approach - formal authority - formal bid - formal framework - formal organization - formal relationship FORMAL формальный, официальный FORMAL 1. прил. 1) общ. официальный (выполненный по установленной форме, в соответствии с правилами, этикетом); надлежаще оформленный formal agreement notice, protest — официальное соглашение уведомление, официальный протест formal education — образование, полученное в учебном заведении formal charge — обвинение, предъявленное с соблюдением необходимых формальностей formal invitation — официальное приглашение He is always formal with his colleagues. — Он всегда держится с коллегами официально. 2) общ. формальный, внешний (относящийся к внешней стороне вопроса, проблемы) a formal resemblance between two things — внешнее сходство между двумя предметами See: formal organization, formal group 3) общ. строгий, формальный, правильный, точный, симметричный formal language — формальный язык (в информатике, математике) formal garden — английский сад a beard of formal cut — аккуратно подстриженная бородка See: formal interview 4) общ. официальный, торжественный (о мероприятии); вечерний, парадный (об одежде, предназначенной для торжественных приемов) formal opening sitting — торжественное открытие to go formal — быть в вечернем туалете 5) общ. формальный;...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. ам. разг. одежда для торжественных вечерних приемов; фрак; длинное вечернее платье 2. ам. разг. мероприятие, на котором участники должны быть в вечерних туалетах 3. официальный formal agreement —- официальное соглашение formal dinner —- официальный (торжественный) обед formal education —- образование, полученное в учебном заведении 4. выполненный по установленной форме, в соответствии с этикетом; надлежаще оформленный formal charge —- обвинение, предъявленное с соблюдением необходимых формальностей formal invitation —- официальное приглашение formal bow —- сухой (церемонный) поклон formal opening sitting —- торжественное открытие formal operation order —- воен. полный боевой приказ 5. вечерний (об одежде); парадный, предназначенный для торжественных приемов formal clothes —- одежда для торжественных вечерних приемов; фрак; длинное вечернее платье to go formal —- быть в вечернем туалете 6. (о языке) официальный; сухой 7. формальный, сделанный для проформы formal politeness —- формальная вежливость formal interest —- формальный интерес 8. формальный, формалистический 9. внешний, поверхностный; кажущийся a formal resemblance between two things —- внешнее (кажущееся) сходство между двумя предметами 10. относящийся к форме;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adj.  1) официальный formal permission - официальное разрешение - formal call  2) формальный; номинальный - formal acquiescence  3) относящийся к внешней форме, внешний - formal resemblance  4) правильный, соответствующий правилам; симметричный formal garden(s) - английский парк Syn: affected, ceremonial, ceremonious, pompous, proper, punctilious, ritual Ant: haphazard, improvisatory, informal, natural, spontaneous FORMAL acquiescence формальное согласие FORMAL call официальный визит FORMAL resemblance внешнее сходство ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (formals) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Formal speech or behaviour is very correct and serious rather than relaxed and friendly, and is used especially in official situations. He wrote a very formal letter of apology to Douglas... Business relationships are necessarily a bit more formal. ? informal ADJ • formally He took her back to Vincent Square in a taxi, saying goodnight formally on the doorstep. ADV: ADV with v • formality Lillith’s formality and seriousness amused him. N-UNCOUNT 2. A formal action, statement, or request is an official one. UN officials said a formal request was passed to American authorities... No formal announcement had been made. ? informal ADJ: ADJ n • formally Diplomats haven’t formally agreed to Anderson’s plan... ADV: ADV with v 3. Formal occasions are special occasions at which people wear smart clothes and behave according to a set of accepted rules. One evening the film company arranged a formal dinner after the play. ? informal ADJ: usu ADJ n • Formal is also a noun. ...a wide array of events, including school formals and speech nights, weddings, and balls. N-COUNT 4. Formal clothes are very smart clothes that are suitable for formal occasions. They wore ordinary ties instead of the more formal high collar and cravat. ? informal, casual ADJ: ADJ n • formally It was really too warm for her to dress so formally. ADV: ADV after v, ADV -ed 5. Formal education or training is given officially, usually in a school, college, or university. Leroy didn’t have any formal dance training. ADJ: ADJ n • formally Mr Dawe was the ancient, formally trained head gardener. ADV: ADV -ed 6. see also formality ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 formal behaviour is very polite, and is used with people you do not know well, or in official situations or at important social occasions  (Our boss is very formal, she doesn't call anyone by their first name.) 2 formal language is used in speeches, in serious or official writing, or at official meetings or important social occasions  (You shouldn't use `Yours faithfully' in a letter to a friend - it sounds too formal.) 3 a formal occasion is serious and important, and people who go to it wear good clothes and behave according to strict social rules  (I only wear this suit for formal dinners.) 4 a formal decision or action is made or done officially or publicly  (On July 19th a formal declaration of war was made in Berlin.) 5 formal education/training/qualification education etc in a subject or skill gained in a school, college etc rather than practical experience of it  (Many of the health workers had no formal medical training.)  (- see also formally) ~2 n AmE 1 a formal social event such as a dance, at which you have to wear formal clothes 2 an expensive and usually long dress that women wear at a formal occasion ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1390, from L. formalis, from forma (see form). Formality in the depricative sense is from 1647. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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